Who We Are
Hashing is a social running activity, but not just for runners! Offering group exercise and social interaction for all. Perfect for those who are bored with running the same route all the time, and those who just want a pleasant walk in the local countryside.
How We Do It
We follow a trail of either flour or sawdust , and cover between three and six miles. The trails are laid by different members (HARES) each week from venues selected by themselves, often country pubs but not always. The trails follow country footpaths or lanes or, if not, around fields with the permission of local landowners. Every half mile, or less there is a point called a ‘CHECK’. This is where the trail can go in a number of directions, where the better runners can run further in endeavouring to find the correct route, and lesser runners can have a rest. HASHING IS NOT A RACE! The aim, due to the CHECKS and FALSE TRAILS, all the runners from the fit to not so fit, finish about the same time (generally about an hour). As mentioned earlier runs often start and end at the same pub, and it is customary for HASHERS to take advantage of the facilities offered, as the Landlord will have kindly agreed for us to use the premises as a meeting place for that week.

What To Wear
Dress is usually scruffy running gear (trainers, shorts/tracksuits, t-shirts etc) – Don’t dress up as it can be wet and muddy. Bring spare shoes, jeans, etc., for the pub afterwards.
Why Not Give It A Go?
If you’d like to try Hashing, just turn up at one of the forthcoming runs or, for confirmation of venue, to arrange a lift or for any other details, get in touch with one of the contacts listed on this site. The first 2 runs are free, after which we charge a nominal £3.00 to cover the cost of providing awards and subsidising regular social events, drinks, etc.