I trust we have all had a wonderful weekend?; a great 50TH anniversary party and an enjoyable trail the morning after.
What next I hear you ask?
Well (1)), we can all say thank you to the TEAM who helped organise the party and we can (2) all say thank you to the TEAM who have made the last 12 months of trails so full and varied.
How about being (3) part of that TEAM that ensures we all enjoy the next chapter of BH3 during the coming 12 months?
On Monday 15th April we we will have our AGM where you can choose (1), (2) or (3) of the above according to your own ability and availability. Come along, follow the trail and then help decide how the next year will progress while we enjoy a beer to help those discussions.
The Hash is nothing without people, and without people the Hash will not exist.
See you all on Monday.
The (current) Mismanagement Team.