Monday 1st July, Trail #2581. The hash trail this week starts and ends from:
The Beehive, 22 The Green, Deanshanger, Milton Keynes, MK19 6HL.
Meet for a 7.00pm off with Kip & Nipples as your hares.

The Pub
The pub… What a pub! It’s got beer, wine, bar snacks, sometimes food, often tables, nearly always doors and windows. Outside and inside bits, places for cars to rest. Oh and it’s ready for you! “We’re always open – so yes – Monday night is no problem”. Fabulous!
The Village
So – what do we know about Deanshanger – well, the name is comprised from an old English word “hanger” meaning a clearing in a wood and Deans started off as Danes. So – Deanshanger is literally ‘a clearing in the wood where the Danes lived’.
The Company
This week, it’s official, we’re doing our bit to be neighbourly and social. We’ve invited our nearest and dearest Hash brethren from Milton Keynes H3 to join us. They have a thing or two for cows. Udderly ridiculous [I know – I’ll get my coat]…
The Hare(s)
Kip and Nipples are the “Torvill & Dean” of the Hashing Hare world. Their skills and grace are matched perfectly by their outward charm and encouraging smiles. Yet, deep down, you know… you know it’s gonna hurt. It’s going to be a long and winding trail – assuming that is – you’re on the right one! Their trails are out of this world – well, out of Deanshanger this week, at any rate.
The RAs
If Kip and Nipples are our ‘Torvill & Dean’ of the Hares, then Maraschino and Thrifty are our Starsky & Hutch – sprinting to the scene of the crime, getting their tip offs from Huggy Bear – oozing with effortless style, wit, and charm. Sliding across one or two car bonnets along the way. Oh and always wearing far too tight fitting pants to be able to r*n at a sustained pace – right – but somehow they chase ‘em down!

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