No allowance whatsoever for hangovers, the trail starts at 11.00 am.

As a consequence of winning the Prof Trophy – WELL DONE AND WELL DESERVED – Dormie is obliged to keep up standards, at least until the end of 2022.
So, wasting no energy in looking further afield, Dormie will lay a trail from his local, watched over by Handjob who will be rubbing his hands (and nothing else) with glee.
He may be forgiven if his flour blobs are not as precise as Sir Bollard; indeed some blobs will probably resemble very shaky checks. But the quality of the trail will be beyond question.
HS2 won’t t know what has hit them as we explore hitherto forbidden public footpaths; even Ovett Hasher may be surprised to see his once closed footbridge now open. But a sure thing is that Dormie will keep us on the right track.
The sleepy village of Launton will awaken on Boxing Day to the resounding cries of the pack searching for the OnOn; come and join us for continued festivities and escape the washing up of the Christmas Dinner pots and pans.
Your friends are waiting; what’s not to like?
Thrifty Gaffer