Watch in awe as Dingaling is whipped into shape by Bondage. I know its a bit of a bind, but you WILL do as you are told, or else!
Well, thats set the scene for the trail, what else can we expect?

Let’s start at the finish shall we? The Mason’s Arms is one of a dying breed, a real pub that survives on “wet” trade. The inteior is unspoilt and quirky. Yes, it is Greene King, but there are varieties served that you may not normally see; and – because it is a wet pub only – you can be sure of a good pint! Remember, Home Alone has said so.
The area around is a fertile source for good and varied trails. I’m sure we will see quite a few false trails on offer – and perhaps even some misleading flour marks from who knows which hash kennel? Hmmm
But I digress (as I nomally do). Here we have a pair of hashers who set fabulous trails for us all to enjoy.
What’s not to like?
Thrifty Gaffer