Note that there is a maximum of 8-10 vehicles in their parking BUT there is plenty of on-road parking available.

Well, lets see what assortment of cartoon characters turn up for this trail. It’s not going to be a Mickey Mouse kind of trail – I believe Kip and Nipples are involved for a start, so beware!
We have had some excellent turnouts recently (25+) and it is absolutely great to see a growing number of returners who are available on Sunday mornings; Nutella has resurfaced and is even threatening to come on the Norfolk weekend; with Horny coming as well it promises to be an absolute hoot!
But, I digress; back to the next trail.
We haven’t seen Bambi for a few weeks, oh deery me. But I feel sure she is game to test us all around the lanes and by-ways of Yarnton with much enjoyment, so bring yourself, your friends and your desire to socialise over a good drink. It’s what Sunday mornings are made for.
Really, what’s not to like?
Thrifty Gaffer