***No AI/Co-Pilot or Chat GPT was used or abused in the creation of this post (almost)***

** Health warning – there are words and phrases in this post which some readers may find distressing – as they come close to R*NNING terms **


In a magical land far, far, away…  there lived a legendary r*nner, known only to the BH3 (and other associated hashes – MK / Oxford / IoW)

If you stand still, maybe in a field, close your eyes, listen really carefully and concentrate…

You will probably get arrested, or sh*t on by cows.

But before that happens, and if you are extremely lucky… you might just ‘sense’ something…

Did you notice that sudden gentle breeze – just for a moment?

What was that…could that have been…


It’s most likely the wind – but it might, just might,  have been something else… someone perhaps?

Her speed is said to be so great, that only the sun can keep up with her

(and that’s only when its chasing in the right direction – and not at night time)

Many have tried (and failed) to match her for…

Stride length…

Cadence (I’m sorry – it’s an awful affront of a word)

Distance r*n…

Speed (of down-downs or ground covered)…[aka rolling average pace] (sorry again)

or simply the knack for finding the On-On…and skirting the falses

All have failed…

GARMIN once tried to ‘track the stats’, but it crashed their servers…and they vowed ‘never again’.

At best, and on a good day, you’re lucky to draw level on maybe two of these measures at any given time.

And on all fronts, in the space of a single ‘golden’ hour, you’ll be left far behind and scratching your head as to what on earth happened…what possessed you to even contemplate keeping up!

Some have tried trickery, fish hooks, re-groups and even hidden the flour – but to no avail

Some have tried roller skates

This is no ordinary trail maker/trail blazer – this is Clippety Clogs!

And trail maker she was last weekend – together with Dogloss Bader, who much like his cousin Douglas, used to take all of the glory! So, I seek to correct this wrong, with a sincere post-trail thanks, the truth has been outed – the BH3 records corrected. The natural world order has been restored.

Trail #2594 from Fringford was laid by Clippety Clogs and Dogloss Bader. Thank you both, for your excellent trail and time invested on a glorious Saturday and a rain soaked Sunday.



Easily LED


PS – If anyone wants to borrow my roller skates – you’re welcome to give them a try 🙂

Categories: Notices