The Shakespeare, Bowmont Square, Bicester, OX26 2GJ

Meet at 11am for the off!
The Pub
The Shakespeare pub is where it all happens. We’ve been here before, but it is one of those pubs that keeps on giving and you find yourself wanting more. When I look at the pictures, it never quite does it justice. Is it yellow or white walls? You will have to visit to find out! (again).
The Town
It’s Bicester – what more is there to say? It’s our home turf, our ‘mecca’, – it’s our playground (well, technically it’s the Bicester Town Councils – but it’s sort of ours). Let’s make the most of our own stomping ground – and stomp away! Albeit in a socially responsible way – which means flour on floor – not on people?
The Hare
Pheasant Plucker is our gallant hare of the hash this week – and boy are we grateful! There’s a few trails being led later on in October by a Hare or two called TBC. I really hope TBC can be half as good as Pheasant Plucker!
Her trails are said to take you on a spiritual journey, through a haze of streets, fields, shiggy, bridges, urban and rural planes.
Prepare to be disorientated – prepare to be amazed.
This hare will take you to the parts of Bicester that have never been seen before. We will boldly go where no hash has gone before (at least this month).
And as if by magic, you will be transported back to the hash circle and the familiar (yellow/white walls) of our beloved Shakespeare pub, re-energised and ready for a well-earned snooze back home on the Sunday afternoon. Close your eyes and enjoy the ride… ‘Are we there yet?’
Answer – you’ll know when we get there! Or when the RA calls you up and your downing that drink for BH3.
The snapshot
My AI image creator companion was helpful this week. If only every week’s Hash venue and hare combo were so compatible! Who would have thought it!

Easily LED