Monday 8th July, Trail #2582. The hash trail this week starts and ends from:
The Prince of Wales, Steeple Claydon, MK18 2NP.
Meet for a 7.00pm off with Takeaway as your hare.

The Pub
The Prince of Wales is our bolt hole this week, serving up a glorious pint of Doom Bar – and home to the Lucky Star Chinese Takeaway (no known link to the Hare).
The Village
Steeple Claydon, home to 1,236 males and 1,298 females – according to the 2021 census. Clearly this was before Woke got involved and we have ‘they’ and those who associate as dolphins yet to be included (separately).
Presumably, these famous people (former Steeple Claydon residents) were not included in the present day count: Florence Nightingale, Olympic swimmer Craig Gibbons, professional footballers Sam Baldock and George Baldock and Deep Purple founder member and guitarist Nick Simper.
The Hare
Takeaway will take us on a fairytale adventure – leading us away from the Steeple of the Claydons, and out back to yonder shiggy, nettle swamps and pond wood.
The RAs
Thrifty and Maraschino will be on hand to take your orders and serve up a mean 28 or 52 with extra 126 (Singapore Style). Fortune cookies may be needed to tell where the down downs will land, but all will be crispy and served up in good time and in good company.
Easily LED