*** CASH ONLY for Subs This Week Please! ***

The Summer BBQ season is here – so grab your favourite shades, flip flops and mankini, wax on and wax off – and get ready for those chill out vibes in the cool breeze.

Your beach front location is: Bernwood Forest, Oakley Road, Boarstall, Aylesbury, OX33 1BJ.

Meet at 11am for the off.

As we look forward to the continued dry and warm weather, we cordially invite you all to the most eagerly anticipated BBQ event on the circuit.  Whether you’re recently back from Club Tropicana, or Kia-Ora, or Club Zanzibar, or Tesco Club Card, you will not want to miss this!

The location of the BH3 Summer BBQ is a closely kept secret, only a mere 48 hours before, do we officially publish the location. This way, the paths and bridleways remain ‘virgin’ tracks – no mud, no puddles, no car park overcrowding and no bad weather!  It’s a winning formula that has served us well.

Introducing our Hare and Host for this week’s social scene: TURNPIKE.

It gives me great pleasure to welcome and thank Turnpike for his Hare duties and extended thanks to him and everyone else involved in laying on some lovely food and drink for us lot! We salute you – and throw the Beach Volleyball your way (not aiming for your head or the crown jewels – mind)!

I pride myself on being from the ‘TDK Mix-Tape’ generation, but I am embarrassed to say I have no idea what a Turnpike is.  So, I looked it up. A Turnpike is the name given to a privately maintained toll road. Also, the Turnpike could also be a gate, which is used to the control the passage through the gate and extract a ‘toll’ payment as you go through. The first Turnpike road was officially authorised in 1663 for a section of the Great North Road in Hertfordshire.

Not satisfied with this research, I thought it worth complementing my research with a little extra help…

Why did the Turnpike throw a summer BBQ in the winter?

Because it wanted to grill up some “traffic” and “heat” things up!

The RAs have been waxing their legs, toning up, tanning up (at Tan-Tastic apparently – £5 for 20 mins – whatever you like) for that ‘Beach Body’ look – hoping to catch the eye and attention of the crowd and rightly earn themselves an extra Burger or a Sausage or two. Not to mention something cold, wet and alcoholic. But don’t let them catch your eye, as you know, one wrong move, one overindulgent stare, that could lead you into hot water and land you with a down down… As ever, only time and beer will tell…



Easily LED


Categories: Notices