The George & Dragon, Church Lane, Shutford, Banbury, OX15 6PG.

Meet at 11am for the off.

We’ve seen some odd combos of Hares, we seen some odd Hares full stop! We’ve seen (or not seen) some beautiful long and windy trails as result of their efforts and matches made in heaven…

This has to be some heavenly intervention at work this week. Preacher calling out to his flock – his disciples – seeking an assistant – a partner in crime…

Step forward Reined On! What a combo! What an opportunity for mayhem, marvel and mishaps. Step forward one and all – to enjoy a trail on the edge of tomorrow – a blade r*nner of a trail if ever there was.

Now, the pub, recently under new management by Stuart, who just so happens to be friends with a famous Star Wars actor – Ian McDiarmid – who played The Emperor (Do Not Underestimate the Power of the Dark Stout). Look again at the pub photo – but don’t stare…

Instead, I thought I would ‘generate’ a joke that brings this all together – I welcome feedback…

Preacher and his friend Reined On decided to mark out a country trail starting and ending at the George and Dragon pub near Banbury. As they were mapping the trail, Reined On kept looking at the sky and saying, “I think it’s going to rain!”

Preacher replied, “Don’t worry, Reined On, we’ll finish before the storm hits.”

When they finally made it back to the pub, the owner, who was best friends with the Evil Emperor from Star Wars, greeted them. He said, “You two look like you’ve been through a battle!”

Preacher laughed and said, “We have! But at least we didn’t have to face the dark side… just the dark clouds!”

To be fair, it’s probably on a par with a Thrifty Gaffer joke. I know – I’m brave from behind the keyboard…

Anyway – it’s a fantastic time to stick with those New Year resolutions, shake off the post-Christmas blues and see the light! Let Preacher and his side-kick Hare Reined On guide you through the shiggy and to the beer on the other side of the rainbow!



Easily LED


Categories: Notices