So, Sunday 17th March, Trail #2566. Your hares are Kip and Nipples and the venue is the Red Lion, 127 Cassington Road, Yarnton, Oxfordshire OX5 1QD. Meet for an 11.00 start.

Although Kip has indicated that some of the trail might be damp and sticky, I personally believe none of it, its hare double speak. I mean, Nipples having to lay a trail in areas that might contain puddles and mud? Its unthinkable.
Thus, the prospects are for flat and dry trails in Yarnton that will be top quality and enjoyable as always. We may even see some of our southern cousins who, as always, will be very welcome. And keep your eyes peeled for an appearance of some of the local gentry and nobility…????
The scene is set, proud Puck is dispensing his magic on all things hashing for our pleasure; all we can say is OberOnOn.
What’s not to like?
Thrifty Gaffer