Monday 13th June, Trail # 2474. The Bell, 21 Market Square, Lower Heyford, Bicester OX25 5NY. Your hare is Beerstop and the “off” is at 7 pm.

It’s fortunate that the pub is at the start….🤔
Anyway, Beerstop has been out walking the trail (with dog) several times; that is commitment, like Dobby’s trail last week.
As an aside, we were going to r*n from the Muddy Duck but they are having staffing problems so we had to relocate. Generally this is an issue with more and more pubs closed on a Monday, so if you are having difficulties sorting out your trail, then there is lots of help available; PLEASE JUST ASK.
Coming back to the event, we have a wide variety of terrains available, who knows what Beerstop will choose? We have canals, rivers, roads, hills, train lines AND airfields; what a combination! Make sure you have travel insurance.
But the bottom line is to make sure you join us. Good beer and good friends.
What’s not to like?
Thrifty Gaffer