Monday 29th April, Trail #2572. The hash trail this week starts and ends from:
The Mitre, 2 Mitre Street, Buckingham, MK18 1DW.
Meet for a 7.00pm off with Dogloss as your hare.

Don’t panic – we have new (but not improved) inane drivel from your new Hon Sec!
Firstly, let me say a huge thank you to Thrifty Gaffer on behalf of BH3, for trail blazing the way to providing the witty and informative updates on our r*ns, trails and all things of note to you BH3’ers. It’s going to be a tough act to follow…but I will try my best to be (mostly) accurate and informative. With some good humour (?debatable) thrown in for good measure.
So, I feel like the sorcerer’s apprentice or a young Jedi learning the ways of the force…entrusted with keeping you all fully up-to-date, briefed and informed on what’s on and what’s going on. In other words, I don’t know what I’m doing, I’m going to break stuff and it’s going to be a bit bumpy…but hopefully, it will be fun!
Right, The Mitre. Buckingham’s oldest pub, and also (secret info from a Buckingham resident here) the pub with the least amount of car park spaces – zero. There is on street parking nearby – though you have more chance of finding and hiring the ‘A-Team’ but you can try here:
- a few spaces under the railway arches
- on Station Road
- on Lenborough Road
- on Mars
I’ve got some really helpful pictures to show you this on my phone, but not on here ’cause I ran out of time…and technical ability. Anyway – parking will be scattered and as best as you can do!
Now, the beer in Buckingham is good…and at the Mitre -it’s even better (resident beers include – Timothy Taylor, XPA, Adnams x2, American Pale Ales x3). Legend has it, that one sip of ale from within an MK18 post code renders your smart watch GPS inoperable for a week. That’s why there are no straight roads in Buckingham, except for Stowe Avenue, which was built before beer existed. Nobody goes there anymore…
There are no hills in Buckingham, only gentle slopes and inclines. That’s why you should all be ‘inclined’ (oh dear – too late now – emergency AGM please) to join us, for this happy go lucky (and lucky you are) trail.
Truths are hidden within these words… and flour will be hidden around the streets, paths and pot plants of Buckingham. Dogloss has been in training and preparation for this Hare duty all his life – everything leading to this culmination of trail wizardry. Your RAs – Thrifty and Maraschino at the ready to the let the truth from the trail prevail and co*k-ups be ousted!
It remains, and always will be the best time to ask “what’s not to like?” [Royalty payment due to Thrifty G]. It’s our favourite phrase, for a BH3 hash.
Anyone new to BH3 and who happens to stumble upon this post. I’m sorry, help is at hand and you are in a queue – and if that doesn’t work – you are very welcome to join us!
Easily LED