Sunday 2nd October, trail #2490. The Blacks Head Inn, The Green, Bletchingdon OX5 3DA and Dormie is your hare. Meet for an 11.00 am start.
With thanks to L’Etch for advance notice of his non-availability (he WILL hare later in October) our haberdasher has stepped forward to fill the void at this great venue. Of course we will all have to buy a shirt afterwards…
But nevertheless, here we are at an oft-forgotten venue where the trails are multitudinous and the beer is excellent.

It’s great weather for hashing, and you will be glad you came, both to enjoy the lovely countryside while working out the devious twists and turns of Peter Dormobile VanDe Kerkhof as he gallantly goes through at least one bag of flour.
The trail leads to Bletchingdon where you will find all your hash house relatives; what’s not to like?
Thrifty Gaffer