Well, I hope eveybody is recovered after such a strenuous weekend away in Norfolk. Empty the sand from your trainers and get ready for a gentle jog around the Waddesdon area.

Oh, and I hope also that everybody is fit and well after the Covid alerts?

Meet at:-
The Lion,
70A High St,
Aylesbury HP18 0LB

The forecast is chilly but dry, perfect for a Sunday morning trail.

HS2 construction has prompted a rethink of the trail, but I will do my best to keep you on-track – or not, as the case may be. I’ll be off to purchase multiple bags of flour this morning for all the false trails you may encounter and will be doing my best not to have any “Victoria” (Andrew Smith) moments, though there may be brambles.

The pub awaits at the end of the trail and I don’t think Home Alone will be disappointed, even though I made a special request for some John Smiths….Share your thoughts, share your passion (!), share your memories, share your aches and pains with your friends at the On Inn.

What’s not to like?

Thrifty Gaffer

Categories: Notices