It’s all on a downhill trajectory – at least it is from Gadget’s house – as he makes the difficult choice of driving or walking to the pub. But Brackley it is, and there are so many routes for hashers within this lovely market town.
But it is not Oxfordshire, so tread carefully…
Gadget has been wanting to lay a trail for a while, and has been present at a lot of our recent trails (though “shortcut”Gadget would be a good renaming). The last trail from here was laid by a much younger Gadget in 2006, though I’m sure he’ll be hoping the flour is still in place! We had 31 hashers attend back then and maybe we can exceed that number this time.
The terrain can be a mixture of road and shiggy, so we suggest some dry footwear could be useful post-hash for the down downs.
For the beer drinkers amongst you (ahem, Home Alone!) there appears to be Tribute as a regular as well as Old Rosie for the cider followers; can’t be bad!
So, get those shorts out now, its almost summer, and join the crowd in Brackley for an enjoyable Sunday morning.
Trail, friends, beer, what’s not to like? See you there.
Thrifty Gaffer