Sunday 20th March. Trail #2462. Your hare is Turnpike and the trail is at the Gardiner Arms, 93. Medcroft Road, Tackley, Kidlington. OX5 3AH. Meet for an 11.00 “off”.

Having spell-checked the pub name, thus saving Bondage the trouble of correcting me, I am pleased to give you details of our penultimate Sunday r*n before the clocks change.

Turnpike has emerged from his established hidey-hole in Bernwood to take us to a land of hills. Will he manage to achieve his oft stated aim of making the trail all downhill? I very much doubt it.

But I do anticipate that his skill in flour distribution will ensure that we all have an enjoyable Sunday outing.

Hills, train lines, canals, rivers, they are all waiting for the hounds to explore; and then there is good ale waiting for your return, together with your fellow hashers.

What’s not to like?



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