And now that you have all had the chance to recover from the treble hit of over indulgence of food, alcohol and good company, its time for the reality hit of our next trail.

Step forward Shitstix to add yet another magical step in our r*n up to Xmas. Sunday 17th December, meet for an 11.00 “off” at The White Horse, The Ridings, Stonesfield OX29 8EA; Trail #2553. Yes indeed, we are well and truly into OH3 territory here so it would be rude not to extend a warm welcome to any OH3 to join us. 


Indeed, I might be more concerned about our transgressions if it were not for the fact that we now have a Hash Horn to keep us on the straight and narrow. Step forward Daglocks! (Top right of the cartoon profile image). As the founder of OH3 surely there can be no better hasher to show us the rights and wrongs of our Sunday outing in this dodgy area.

I’d like to post an image of the pub for you all, and will indeed do that in this post. But as Christmas is beckoning I decided I’d rather post an image of a well know Christmas fairy. Not only did this fairy entertain us on our weekend away, but has cast a magical spell on more trails than any other hasher this year. The sparkle in the sky is not another new found star, it is the Prof award so deservedly presented to Dormobile.

Now, where do we push the Christmas tree go to keep the fairy at the top of it?

There you have it.

Santa has come early, and you can share the joy with all your hasher friends.

What’s not to like?


Thrifty Gaffer Sent from my iPad

Categories: Notices